Stórsigur sjálfstæðissinna í Kataloníu

Sjálfstæðissinnar unnu yfirburðasigur í héraðskosningum í dag og fengu 72 sæti af 135 á héraðsþingi Katóloníumanna. Í aðdraganda kosninganna var því heitið að ynnu sjálfstæðissinnar  kosningarnar myndu þeir lýsa yfir sjálfstæði Kataloníu einhliða innan 18 mánaða. Úrslit kosninganna eru mikið áfall fyrir spænsku landsstjórnina í Madrid og Evrópusambandið sem stefnir að aukinni miðstýringu og stofnun Evrópuríkis. Catalonia nationalists win elections

Til hamingju Kataloníumenn !

Supporter of secessionist group Junts Pel Si (Together for Yes) react after polls closed in a regional parliamentary election in Barcelona (September 27, 2015)Image copyright Reuters

With nearly 94% of the votes counted, the "Junts per Si" ("Together for Yes") won 62 seats, while the far-left separatist CUP party is expected to secure 10 mandates.

 "We have won," Catalan regional President Artus Mas told his cheering supporters late on Sunday.

After a celebration rally, the pro-independence camp's leaders told the BBC's Tom Burridge that they would now proceed towards the creation of an independent Catalan state.

Catalonia separatists win parliamentary elections

Artur Mas has promised to launch a roadmap towards independence by 2017 [AP}

Pro-independence supporters win vote described as the most important in Spain's recent history.

Bloggfærslur 27. september 2015


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